Monday, January 27, 2014

Welcome from the 2014 Conference Co-chairs!

Hello NACADA Region 2 and welcome to Spring 2014! We hope your semester has started off smoothly and you're staying warm. We are busy planning your 2014 conference, which will have some exciting changes, including a couple mentioned in this post. But first, we want to extend a big thanks to everyone who has participated in the conference so far. The number of session proposals submitted far exceeded the number of sessions we can accommodate at the conference, and the number of you who volunteered to read proposals also far surpassed our needs. We have a great list of conference volunteers going, and several of our members have even contacted us with creative suggestions for the conference itself. You're proving that collaboration was a fitting theme for this year's conference. 

Lancaster, too, is proving to exceed expectations, and those of you who attended the 2006 Region 2 conference will find the city renewed with vitality and energy, with beautiful architecture, a wide variety of restaurants and cafés, and plenty of local culture to explore. The Marriott is beautiful; the staff has been a joy to work with and they are looking forward to providing you with a great conference experience. As you make your travel plans for the conference, we encourage you to extend your visit into the weekend to take full advantage of the beauty Amish country has to offer (okay, and maybe an outlet mall or two). If you aren't staying the weekend, please remember to plan your departure late enough to attend our closing brunch on Friday, a new event for Region 2, where we will close the conference by breaking bread together. 

We are also excited to announce a change to Region 2's service project. Stay tuned for more communication, but for now, a teaser: donations made to the state penny competition will be going to a local education project in each state selected through Donors Choose.  If you're not familiar with this organization check out their website at  We will also be collecting items for a Lancaster charity - more details to follow.

In the meantime, we look forward to communicating with you about the conference through this blog (don't forget to subscribe so you are automatically notified when there is a new post), the Region 2 Facebook group ( and on Twitter (#nacadar2) as well as through email. Registration is now openfor the conference, but the early registration deadline is quickly approaching (register by Feb. 27 and save $35) and the hotel block is filling up, so be sure to make your arrangements soon.

See you soon in Lancaster!

Susan Fread & Calley Steven Taylor

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