Mentoring Program

Welcome to the home of the Region 2 Mentoring Program
The Region 2 Mentoring Program seeks to provide professional development for both new advisors (mentees) and seasoned advisors or advising administrators (mentors) by: 
  • Encouraging active participation in Region 2 and national NACADA events
  • Encouraging attendance and presentation at regional conferences
  • Encouraging submission and publication in Academic Advising Today and/or the NACADA Journal
  • Encouraging involvement in commissions and Offering professional development to seasoned and new advisors
  • Providing leadership development to experienced advisors
  • Providing professional development and networking to new advisors
The 2014-2015 Mentoring pairs are expected to:
  • Attend the Regional Conference in Lancaster, PA on March 20 & 21, 2014.
  • Commit one year of active participation to the Mentoring Program and to their mentor/mentee
  • Arrange twice-monthly real-time meetings in person, via Skype, or by telephone with their mentor/mentee
  • Participate in Mentor Program surveys, assessments, program readings, and activities at national and/or regional events
  • Share their goals, interests, skills, networks, and other resources with their mentor/mentee
  • Work jointly with their mentor/mentee on an advising project (this can be a NACADA project, institutional project, or other mutually-identified project)
  • Actively engage in NACADA national and/or regional events including one or more of the following:
    • assisting with state drive-ins or regional conferences
    • submitting presentation proposals for state drive-ins or regional conferences
    • submitting articles for publication in Academic Advising Today and/or the NACADA Journal
  • Maintain current NACADA membership throughout their participation
Advisors interested in being either a mentor or a mentee should fill out the appropriate application and submit it to the Mentoring Program Coordinator, Nina Buchanan (, by March 12, 2014. Pairs will be matched and notified by March 16, 2014.
Mentor Application:
Mentee Application:


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