Thursday, December 7, 2017

Proposals Recap and YouTube Launch!

Thanks to the nearly 20 attendees who joined us last week for our proposals webinar! Special thanks to Gavin Farber, Proposals Chair, and Andrew Millin, Selection Chair, for their insights on submitting for the 2018 Regional Conference at the Dover Downs Hotel and Casino.

Here are a few highlights from our discussion:

  • We each have something unique to offer, especially within the theme of "Big Ideas Start Small". What's going on in your office or institution that is breaking our normal boundaries or thinking outside of the box? Those are the types of proposals we're seeking.
  • You are able to select multiple formats for concurrent sessions. When selecting possible formats, think about your own personal style of presenting and the types interactions you're looking to have with colleagues. Be open to new formats you haven't used before, too!
  • Don’t be afraid to look into areas that haven’t been explored before. It doesn’t have to be a fully formed idea! Where did you start, how far are you in the process, what still needs to be done?
  • Make sure your proposal(s) are well-written and clear. We want to see that you've put time and care into your proposal.
  • Is it your first time presenting? Work with colleagues on your campus or elsewhere, do a panel! It allows you to get more input and various perspectives, and to show how what’s happening on your campus can be expanded and applied in other contexts.
  • Note in your proposal if you think the topic would fit into a specific track.
  • Help the proposal readers understand what you’ll be doing with the 50 minutes of your presentation. What is the journey of your presentation? What will the experience be for your participants? Even a breakdown of time spent on each topic or activity will be helpful.
  • You may be contacted to combine your proposal with another submission on a similar topic. This can be a fantastic opportunity to team with new colleagues.
  • If you submit multiple proposals and multiple are selected, you have the opportunity to decline giving the multiple presentations. Don't feel obligated to do it all. 

This is also the official launch of our NACADA Region 2 YouTube channel! All of our previous recorded webinars are available there, including our session on proposal writing and submission. Visit the NACADA Region 2 YouTube channel to tune in!

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