Thursday, November 10, 2016

Submitting a Proposal for the 2017 Regional Conference - Your One Stop Guide (and Video Chat, too!)

The following post was written by Mike Mullen, 2017 Region 2 Conference Proposals Chair and Dean of Academic Support Services at Neumann University. 

Writing a proposal for a NACADA Regional Conference is very rewarding but it does take some thought, time and research. Some of the most rewarding experiences involve partnering with a colleague. Presenting at a conference is not only a great teaching experience, but it is a tremendous learning experience.

But before one can present, you must submit a successful proposal, so here are some things to consider:
1.  Be aware of the deadline dates and give yourself plenty of time write and revise your proposal. There is nothing worse than having a great proposal and submitting a day late.
2.  Know the formats being offered:
a. Preconference sessions are 2-3 hours long and set the table for the conference. (The deadline for these proposals was October 21.)
b. Concurrent sessions are normally 60 minutes in length (with some of that time allotted for Q&A) and make up the main conference schedule.
c. Poster sessions allow you to present your idea in a poster-format and lets folks ask questions.
d. Facilitated Round Tables present enough on a topic being debated in the profession to spark the conversation. Facilitate the conversation to allow for varied ideas and positions to emerge. The goal here is not consensus, but dialogue.
3. Know your audience – who is attending the conference – From rookies to grizzled veterans of the profession, know with whom you would like to speak and target your proposal to appeal to that population.
4. Reverse engineer your presentation by beginning with the end in mind – What do you want people to understand, consider, debate, or think about at the end of your presentation?
5. Know the rubric upon which your proposal will be evaluated: (graded 1-5)
a. Interest – Would there be a high level of interest in the program?
b. Application – Would these ideas be adaptable to other institutions?
c. Clarity – Are the abstract and the purpose of the program well-articulated?
d. Creativity – With this topic introduce new ideas, approaches, or concepts?
e. Relevance – Is the topic relevant to current topic issues?
f. Research – Grounded in research where applicable.
6. Diversity – NACADA brings together people of diverse backgrounds and experiences. Be sure that your proposal recognizes our differences while addressing common issues.
7. Show your passion and energy around the topic. Make sure your abstract reflects the importance of this topic and the impact it has on student success.
8. Be clear with your outcomes. Let people know what they will take away from you presentation.
9. Use more than one presentation strategy. Many of us want to be active learners and offer our insights when given the opportunity.
10. Be proud of your scholarship – whether you are applying a colleague’s research and sharing the programmatic results, or conducting the research personally, be proud of the work that you have completed and know that your friends in NACADA are anxious to support you in your work.

In summary, presenting at a conference is a part of the professional journey. Your thoughts, whether affirmed or challenged bring about a broader dialogue within our learning community and lead us to better understand critical issues in our service to our students. Thank you for considering submitting a proposal at this year’s conference. The conference will be better for your participation. 

If you’d like to learn more and have an opportunity to ask questions, please join us for a Proposals Info Session on Tuesday, November 15 from noon to 1:00 pm Eastern. Join from a computer or tablet at - please mute your microphone and video when you join. You can turn on your mic when asking a question or utilize Zoom’s chat feature. You may also call in at 408-638-0968 or 646-558-8656 and enter meeting ID: 348 372 758. 

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